Day 4 started in a lazy fashion, we had been having late drinking sessions for 3 days so this fact was starting to tell. We had a walk around Rejkyavik centre before stopping at Kaffe Solon for some dinner. This was a really nice place, cool decor & a fairly good menu. I opted for salmon (lax) for starters which was absolutely excellent followed by chicken & mushroom risotto topped with ham which was ok but nowhere near as good as the starter. After this we went to book a trip to the Blue Lagoon where we would visit on our last day tomorrow.
On the way there we bumped into Tim & Sean who were bizarrely in possession of some pre-packed whalemeat! These guys were possibly the most carniverous people i have ever met & had been trying all sorts of food such as puffin, horse, sheeps heads & whale! We arranged to meet them at Bjarni Fel later as it was Seans birthday & booked our trip to the Blue Lagoon the next day. We carried on our walk after this & found all sorts of bizarre art & sculptures dotted around the town. One piece that stood out was a large metal statue of a man carrying a briefcase who had a large cube in place of where his body and head should have been, crazy!

After a bit mire walking about we returned to the Cabin to have a bit of a rest before the Northern Lights tour later.
Unfortunately due to weather conditions the tour was cancelled so what else were we to do other than go to Bjarni Fel & get pissed up! Time & Sean joined us later along with their Latvian friend Agnes. We had a few beers, cocktails etc & i decided it was time to show off & down 6 Jagermeisters, which only took me 25 seconds! We got kicked out of Bjarni Fel at closing time & went to Tim & Seans apartment for a few late drinks. Their place was great & had a great balcony view of Hallgrimskirkja. We had a couple of drinks & tried some of Seans whalemeat on crispbread with some cheese. The whalemeat was very salty but not too bad. After this me & TK retired to the Cabin to get some much needed rest prior to or final day where we were going to visit Icelands main tourist attraction the Blue Lagoon.
Things i learned today:
1 - If you pay in Euros the Icelanders cant wait to take the money from you.
2 - Coca-Cola is made from Icelandic water & much smoother & nicer than regular Coke.
The bakery next to that statue was a good one and usually provided us with delicacies on our regular cake day!